AR Christmas Tree

iOS Augmented Reality Location Based Experience – Construct Studio with VRScout

Developed for the VR Scout Christmas Party in conjunction with ADVR, this Christmas tree is a magical holiday experience. Users watch as an AR Christmas Tree grows before their eyes. Users can place ornaments and season greetings on the tree, as well as browse messages left by other guests in real time. As the night goes on the tree fills up and sparkles with life.


  • Contributed to the design of the user flow of guests experience through the app, from generating the tree, to reading messages, to placing their own.
  • Designed and implemented the Christmas-themed UI with Unity GUI to allow users to select ornaments, fill in messages and place ornaments on the tree. 

Development (Unity / C#)

  • Devised and implemented a solution using ARKit and Vuforia to allow the Christmas tree to be placed on a marker, but retain its position in space when the marker was not visible.
  • Used the Google Poly API to load custom designed ornaments.
  • Interfaced with a custom built REST API to store user changes and allow app users to see live updates to the tree.
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